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Ten Tips For Easing Barn and Horse Stable Maintenance Work

When it comes to gadgets you can buy in order to make caring for your horses easier, there are always going to be those that work, those that don’t work, as well as those that are expensive and those that are not too highly priced.

In order to make a good decision on what you should purchase for your barn to make barn chores less of a chore, here are ten tips to making your barn work much easier.

Ten: You should use a toilet brush to clean buckets and stock tanks. This works well in cold weather, because if you attempt to use a brush without a handle, you’ll find it is easier to leave it dirty rather than do this chore.

Nine: Using a horse reel. This will allow you to know how much your horses have to drink. You must fill your water buckets every day, and it becomes quite tedious to drag a hose down an aisle and back again. A hose reel will allow you to do this effortlessly, and make this process much easier.

Eight: By using bucket hooks on your buckets, you are going to limit the strain you have when you are lifting heavy buckets. These are C-shaped, and they don’t need to be snapped closed. The handle simply fits into them and is held secure.

Seven: On sliding doors, you can put a blanket bar on each of them. This way, you can keep blankets, fly masks and boots, as well as other every day needs, right on each stall door, allowing you to reach up and grab something without having to walk to the other side of the barn.

Six: You should have a power blower. If you have one that is electric, it will do great work at straight shots up and down the aisles in the barn. If you need to go around corners, as well as in and out of stall doors, the gas powered kind will be even more useful. Remember to let out the horses before you use the blower if the barn is very dusty.

Five: Feed tubs that are detachable are very useful in this situation. Because of the differences in the behaviors of horses, you need to be prepared for those that are messy eaters as well as those that are neat eaters. If all of your feed tubs are detachable, you can clean them whenever needed, because messy and clean eaters usually don’t like to eat out of tubs that are dirty – even if they have made the mess themselves.

Four: One of the best things that you can have is a muck-bucket cart. Because wheelbarrows can be so awkward and are hard to dump, a muck bucket is the solution. It can be moved with only one hand, which leaves your other hand free to carry the other tools of this trade.

Three: You will need hard plastic stock tanks. Because these are almost impossible to destroy, and shaped in such a way that make them easy to empty at clean up time, you are going to see an increase in your clean up ease.

Two: Another essential are stock tank heaters. You have a choice here, because the floating stock tank heaters will do fine, but the kind that actually screw into the tanks, in the bottom, are much better because the only way they will be a danger is if you have a horse who will put his or her feet into the tank. Be sure to use electrical outlets that are out of the horse’s reach.

One: Stall Mats. These rubber mats will end up being your most important item. They mean that the horse requires less bedding, and they are also easy to clean. The best thing about them is that your horses won’t be left to stand on ground that is messy or uneven.

Read the next horse care article on Warmed Winter Water Helps Increase Fluid Intake.
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